The ocean is vast, deep and dangerous with her mysteries hidden under her raiment of waves. Death, like the ocean, hides her secrets, and we who stand on the shore catch only an occasional glimpse.
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New Book Release from Director
of Delaware Paranormal Research Group
January 2025
Newly Released Podcast
featuring Delaware Paranormal
Research Group
January 2025


This is a project that has been in the works for some time now. It's a book that delves into the Team's two investigations at First State Military Academy in Clayton, Delaware.
First State Military Academy actually operates their ROTC Marine Corps military academy in buildings and on the land that has a very storied history.
The property once belonged to the very first governor of Delaware, Governor Clayton (First State, First Governor, how ironic.)
The property was eventually purchased by the Catholics who ran a boarding school on the property for 86 years for low income and African American middle school youth. Governor Clayton's mansion became home to the priests that lived there, until, unfortunately, it burnt down. That conflagration took the life of one priest.
The boarding school eventually shut its doors in the early 1970's and lay mostly vacant until the early 1990's when a local charter school purchased the property to run Providence Creek Academy. PCA quickly grew and ran out of room, when they sold it to FSMA.
FSMA was gracious enough to invite the group twice to do investigations and what the team discovered on those two investigations was some of the best evidence we've ever collected.
The book delves into the wonderful history of the property, from Governor Clayton until now. It also has numerous accounts from students, staff, administrators and even law enforcement that have come in contact, sometimes unwitting contact, with the school and its odd inhabitants and its shades from history.
Featured Guest on That's Curious Podcast
Lloyd and Shay interviewed Robin Strom-Mackey, Director of Delaware Paranormal Research Group and author of the recently released "These Haunted Halls, Inside America's Most Haunted School," as well as "On the Hunt for the Haunted; Searching for Proof of the Paranormal," and "Anatomy of a Ghost; A Guide to Analyzing the Dead.
It was an exciting interview that covered many topics including Near Death Experiences and what that means for paranormal activity.
Do you believe in Ghosts? | Robin Strom | Delaware Paranormal Research Society
About Delaware Paranormal Research Group
The director of DPRG has been conducting paranormal investigation and research (spirit research) for more than a decade. She began her investigating career with the now defunct Delaware Ghost Hunters before starting her own group. she has been blogging about the paranormal for nearly as long. Out in 2017 was her first book Anatomy of a Ghost, A Guide to Analyzing the Dead, and her second book, On the Hunt for the Haunted was released in 2019. If you're seeking advice or looking to have a paranormal investigation it helps to seek an expert in the field. DPRG is Delaware's first choice in paranormal research.
Mission Statement
Located in central Delaware, Delaware Paranormal Research Group (DPRG), is dedicated to using scientific methods and devices to collect empirical evidence to either support or refute paranormal activity at a location. As the director, I'm not only an investigator, but a homeowner who has experienced unexplainable activity in my own home. I've tried to build a team that is calm, compassionate and unbiased. Knowledge is power, and it’s empowering for people to know whether they are experiencing something with a natural explanation or something in the paranormal realm. Homeowners have so often expressed the opinion that, “they’re just happy to know they’re not crazy,” and relief that someone took them seriously.
Personally, I see the job of our investigators as being like that of a naturalist. Naturalists attempt to observe without bias, collect data, draw correlations and arrive at conclusions that are based on all the information they have at hand.
To that end, DPRG promises to:
1.Listen to your claims of activity in a non-judgmental manner, and offer advice from our prior knowledge and experience. Not all situations warrant a full investigation, and often situations can be solved with an email or phone call.
2.We can do partial or full paranormal investigations of the domicile/building if the situation warrants. We will collect data from various electronic devices, and careful observation. We will be looking for answers based first in the natural world, and then in the paranormal.
3.We will carefully analyze the data and compare the evidence with our own experiences to draw conclusions.
4.We will present the evidence to you, along with our theory as to what is occurring.
5.Being scientifically bound, DPRG does not perform house cleansings, blessings or smudging. We do not, “send things into the light.” However, we can offer suggestions or issue referrals should the situation warrant.
Robin S., Director,

DPRG is available to perform partial or full paranormal investigations of your home or building. We employ high tech equipment to gather detect and record anomalous activity at our investigations, and carefully analyze the data we collect in order to give you a thorough and complete analysis of the activity (if any) that we collect on a property. D.P.R.G. does not charge for its services. If you are experiencing difficulties, while we do not perform blessing or exorcisms, we can offer advice, and the peace of mind that you are not alone.

Book Signings & Speaking Events.
D.P.R.G. is available to do speaking events and/or book signings.
Spice up an otherwise mundane event with a few ghost stories.
Out in 2017, DPRG's first book on the subject of ghosts and other things paranormal. Purchase Anatomy of A Ghost; A Guide to Analyzing the Dead from our online store for a 20% discount.
Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
The Shore
The Shore is Delaware Paranormal Research Group's official blog site. With over sixty articles on the paranormal you're bound to find an article to interest you. The author has been studying paranormal phenomena for over 10 years, both in the field, and in the library, reading and writing on a multitude of topics beyond simply ghost hunting.